An invisible spiritual shield surrounding you this week

The intense gusts of energy will start stabilizing this week. Although you can expect to feel oversensitive, things will ease up a bit in the second part of the week and you’ll be able to control your feelings. Your desire to open up to the outside world and create connections will grow stronger and thus…
A spiritual protection shield is needed for you this week

This incredibly intense energy of intuitive sensitivity is peaking this week. If you’ve been feeling hypersensitive, then the heightening energies will only make it worse. Draw protection energy shield around yourself, and do yoga exercises or work out actively. Avoid negative people and negative news if you can. Strive to recharge your batteries with inspiring…
The energies of this week opens the door for the miracles are waiting for you

The most important energy of the week is like the stormy sea. Tensions will abate in the first part of the week so you’ll be feeling more creative and energetic. However, in the second part of the week, tensions will heighten and the only way you can work them off is if you exercise intensely.…
You can expect to have extreme mood-swings this week

The intensity of the energies of the year comes in waves this week, which means that you can expect to have mood-swings and feel oversensitive in the next seven days. The intuitive energies will continue to be exceptionally fierce, so it’d probably be a good idea to form a protective spiritual bubble around yourself. Envision…
A quick and liberating change is about to commence this week

Numerology forecast for the first week of February The most intense energy of the year will mellow out, easing the tension it has caused. This period allows you to slow down a bit as you move along your path with determination in your steps. The intuitive energes are set to heighten mid-week, to the point where you…
You’ll start receving messages from the Universe this week

Numerology forecast for the fourth week of January The intense energies of the week will ease up, at least in the first part of the week. The intuitive energies, however, will intensify to the point where you’ll feel like a radio antennae that can catch all the waves from the Universe and the reality around…
Your walls will crumble by the energy of this week

Numerology forecast for the third week of January The flow of incredibly intense energies continues, but its impact and thus the corresponding tension will abate by the end of the week. You’ll be able to feel the impact of the two beneficial energies that have strengthened this week, two of which are present the entire…
You’re getting a huge boost of energy in the second week of January

Your creative energies are switching to the highest gear and will remain so for about two weeks. It’s of the utmost importance that you raise the level of your vibration consciously. Meditate regularly for the next few weeks, even if you can only do 10 minutes a day. During these morning or evening exercises, concentrate…
1:1:1 – The Dimensiongate Of Miracles has been opened

The year 2017 and the first day of January opens an incredibly energetic well for the next 365 days – the number 1:1:1 Dimension Gate. The energy of the first day of the year represents the physical, spiritual, and emotional ability of this wonderful creative power, which will stay with you all year long, helping…
Divine Inspirations giving you the confidence and clarity in the fourth week of December

The incoming energies will arm you with an incredible inner power, laying the groundwork for the wonderful opportunities and spiritual abilities of the new year. This amazing power that comes from within endows you with inner determination, assuring you that you have nothing to fear – everything is perfectly fine with you and with your…