1:1:1 – The Dimensiongate Of Miracles has been opened

The year 2017 and the first day of January opens an incredibly energetic well for the next 365 days – the number 1:1:1 Dimension Gate. The energy of the first day of the year represents the physical, spiritual, and emotional ability of this wonderful creative power, which will stay with you all year long, helping you make your dreams come true. Infinity, represented by the Dimension Gate, will manifest threefold this year as the number 1, the symbol of the creative power, permeates your thoughts, feelings, and actions.

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1 : 1 : 1

This power is making you burst at the seams, so don’t think you can set it aside for later – put this power to work right away. This kind of energy alignment only occurs every nine years, so if you don’t act now, it will pass you by and you’ll have to wait another nine years for such a tremendous opportunity to come your way. Let this power fill your thoughts, feelings and your body. Let it ignite your passion for life.

Click here if you want a personal guidance in the next 3 months and I’ll prepare your free numerology forecast for based on your date of birth>>>

Whatever plans you might have, now is the time to get started on realizing them

No matter what sign, validation, or permission you’re waiting for, this energy will grant them all to you, so act now because this opportunity won’t return for another 9 years. Whatever you may start working on, it’s bound to be successful. Even the smallest of endeavors are getting validation, so keep on envisioning your goals and dreams as this will be your year.

The incoming energies are intensifying everything within you. Sweep aside your negative thoughts and your fears unless you want to be led by them this year. Surround yourself with positive thoughts, images and inspirations as they will be intensified by the energy of the number 1:1:1. Avoid negative people, bad news and surround yourself with positivity. Spend as much time as possible shaping your dreams and your goals since you’ll be able to achieve them all now.

Click here if you want a personal guidance in the next 3 months and I’ll prepare your free numerology forecast for based on your date of birth>>>

Everything you imagine will come true this year

If we add up the energies of the number 1:1:1 Dimension Gate, we get the energy of the number 3, which is the number of fulfillment. Everything you’ve been dreaming of, everything you’ve been toiling for in the past 9 years will come to fruition and will become visible in the first month of the year. Be ready for miracles and fulfillment. Open your doors and windows wide so that you can make way for more miracles to enter your life.

Per the nature of miracles, all you have to do is extend your hands and grab them. You may keep on staring at the cornucopia, drooling at the sight, but you won’t be able to take anything out of it unless you reach for it. Feel free to empty this cornucopia daily as it will fill up again by the next morning. Keep in mind, however, that it won’t refill itself unless you decide to act. You can’t set aside abundance and miracles, thinking they might come in handy later. You need to make sure you can enjoy whatever each day might bring to the fullest. Regardless of what you have asked for, you still have to work towards it every single day.

Click here if you want a personal guidance in the next 3 months and I’ll prepare your free numerology forecast for based on your date of birth>>>
