Your walls will crumble by the energy of this week

Numerology forecast for the third week of January

The flow of incredibly intense energies continues, but its impact and thus the corresponding tension will abate by the end of the week. You’ll be able to feel the impact of the two beneficial energies that have strengthened this week, two of which are present the entire month. Both energies are helping you notice the gray walls around you and they’ll assist you in tearing them down. It’s true that these walls used to help and protect you, but by now they have turned into obstacles.

The walls around you will suffer their first blow this week, weakening your boundaries. Take a peek through the cracks and see how colorful and interesting life is on the other side. Soon you’ll hear a voice, telling you to tear down these walls and step out into that exciting new world.

The numerology formula of the third week of January

2  8   1   7
1       8

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The energy of the number 7 reveals the possible paths that lie before you

The intense energy of the number 7 points out the limitations of your life and invites you to a world without boundaries and designated routes. Look through the cracks of your crumbling walls and see the countless of opportunities that await you.

Turn your focus inward because the energy of the number 7 will draw your attention to an inner calling, telling you where happiness lies. Although this path is not a well-beaten one, you’ll get boundless of freedom to explore it yourself and go wherever your heart tells you.

The number 16 arms you with the strength you need to defeat the powers trying to hold you back

The energy of the number 16 appears in your life when a specific state of energies can no longer be sustained and change becomes inevitable. This energy activates powers that snap you out of your daydreams and illusions. Don’t fool yourself into thinking that you can fix what has long been broken. Instead, smash the walls around you so that you can break free and head out towards your new reality.

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The energy of the number 8 reveals the huge opportunities that await you

The energy of the number 8 gives you enough courage to set out on your journey. You have nothing to fear as you’re bound to succeed this year, so go ahead and take the necessary steps. Thanks to the spiritual dimension change, this energy is leading you from the old world to a brand new one; to a reality of a higher vibration.

You’re feeling a tremendous inner urge to head out towards this new reality, but before you would do so, make sure that this urge is not caused by your fears or by the prodding of others; it can only come from within. If you’re unsure, then turn inward and wait for the messages of your Inner Guidance, which you’ll recognize right away as they’ll ignite a fire within you.

The energy of the number 9 reveals the higher meaning of the current events

The energy of the number 9 gives you time to take care of yourself. No one can help you with the current changes; you have to discover the underlying meaning of the events yourself. The energy of the number 9 will lift the veil and reveal what lies underneath, but only if you search for it within yourself first. The energy of this number helps you build a relationship with your Inner Guidance that can give you the answers you’re seeking.

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