You’ll start receving messages from the Universe this week

Numerology forecast for the fourth week of January

The intense energies of the week will ease up, at least in the first part of the week. The intuitive energies, however, will intensify to the point where you’ll feel like a radio antennae that can catch all the waves from the Universe and the reality around you. This energy appears in your life so that you can start focusing on the messages of your Inner Guidance.

You’re about to learn how to focus your heightened intuitive abilities on a given goal. If you don’t do so, you’ll draw in the emotional energy of the people around you, which will only confuse you. If you can no longer decide what comes from within and what comes from the outside world, I suggest that you do short breathing exercises. This will help you focus on the core of your body, and therefore you’ll be able to hear the messages of your Inner Guidance.

The numerology formula of the fourth week of January

2  8   1   5
1       6

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The energy of the number 7 helps you choose your path and compels you to head out

You can only succeed if you’re in harmony with your inner messages, which is not as easy as it sounds. You can’t pick your path based on the guidance of another person. If the steps you take are based on the expectations of others, you’ll fail. At the same time, if you follow your inner urge, you’re bound to succeed. 

Instead of doubting or fooling yourself, trust your feelings. One of the most vital tasks of this year is to be patient and to cut yourself some slack as this change of spiritual energies hasn’t happened in thousands of years and you’ll be experiencing its impact first hand. This situation is unfamiliar to everyone, so all you can do is follow your inner voice even if you’re unsure of its messages.

The energy of the number 6 helps you make the right decisions

This energy validates your wishes. You can only make the right decision if you declare it assertively. It’s like being in love; no one can make you go against your heart’s desire. If you don’t feel the way you should or if you have even the slightest doubt regarding a decision, then don’t do it.

The decisions you make about the energies of the number 6 are always obvious. Set out on a journey only if you feel the urge to do so. Trust your inner voice when it warns you against something. The most important learning task of this year is to understand that it’s only your dreams and wishes that matter; the opinion of other people is no more than an opinion. It’s your life that’s on the line, so trust your heart when making decisions. 

Click here if you want a personal guidance in the next 3 months and I’ll prepare your free numerology forecast for based on your date of birth>>>

The energy of the number 5 helps you weed out the disturbing factors in your life

Making decisions will get easier with the help of this energy since it brings about unexpected changes you seemingly have no control over. These liberating energies make certain options unavailable, which is just fine as these options would have only made you anxious, or you never needed them in the first place anyway. This change is beneficial so don’t fear it; it’ll facilitate a decision-making process that comes from the heart. 

The energy of the number 23 reveals that you’re the one who has asked for the changes

If you view things from a higher perspective, the presence of this energy will tell you that you’re the one who has asked for and activated the current happenings; as if you’ve sent a message from the future, telling yourself about the wonderful things await you. In order to reach them, however, you must clean up the path, so ask yourself the following question: “What’s the gift that’s trying to enter my life? How can I ensure that it happens?”

Click here if you want a personal guidance in the next 3 months and I’ll prepare your free numerology forecast for based on your date of birth>>>
