An invisible spiritual shield surrounding you this week

The intense gusts of energy will start stabilizing this week. Although you can expect to feel oversensitive, things will ease up a bit in the second part of the week and you’ll be able to control your feelings. Your desire to open up to the outside world and create connections will grow stronger and thus it’ll lead you to realizing this dream.

The time has come to show the world who you are. You’ll be feeling an irresistible urge to be yourself. This might come as a surprise to those around you. Don’t worry, you’ll be able to recognize these people right away. These are the people you don’t want to cater to, not on any level. Don’t be alarmed at your reactions, just try to live your life freely, bound by no boundaries or expectations. It doesn’t mean that you’ll run amok, hurting others left and right. On the contrary; your new self will be easygoing, lighthearted, and funny.

The numerology formula of the energies of week

2  8  2  9
10   11
1   2

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By the impact of the energies of the number 11, you’ll feel a tremendous power brewing within you

This energy strengthens your confidence and makes you more energetic. You’ll feel the air vibrating around you. Although you’re ready to tackle anything, the taming wisdom of this power is there, soothing you from within. It’s not power that’s guiding your steps, but a will of a higher level.

The power of your Inner Guidance gives you confidence. As you start utilizing this ability in a more conscious way this year, you’ll be getting even more assertive. Others will be able to tell how confident you’ve become. You won’t show any sign of wanting to submit yourself to the will of others or that you want to cater to them.

By the impact of the energies of the number 2, you’ll start searching for cooperation instead of walking your path alone

You were born into an age where all we wanted was to follow the beating of our own drum; where we were obsessed with self-fulfillment. Everyone was trying to project a better image of themselves to strengthen their egos. By stepping over into the 21st century, however, a new era has begun. This era is about human connections and cooperation. The sensitivity that you’re experiencing this year not only helps you filter out the bad, but it also helps you sense what’s good and points out the potential in others. As you start filtering out negative people around you, you’ll realize with whom you can create new connections of a higher level.

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By the impact of the energies of the number 3, you’re able to be who you really are

By the impact of this energy, you’ll finally come realize that you’ve been hiding your true self out of fear; fear of the opinion of other people. You’ve thought and felt that blending into your environment is a better option than trying to stick to your guns. All these white lies have caused so much tension and anxiety within you, but you’re not alone: others are doing the same, and none of you have realized that you all have been playing a part.

This theater production must come to an end. You’ve gotten a glimpse of your true self and you can no longer fake your personality. You’re elated for being able to be your true self, which manifests in your speech, outfits, your movements, and your decisions as well. You realize that you don’t need everyone around you, just the ones who are also ready to be their true selves.

The number 27 and the number 9 surround you with spiritual vibrations of a higher level

By the impact of this energy you’ll feel as if an invisible shield was surrounding you, arming you with yet unknown courage. This will conjure up memories of your childhood when you were playing in the sanctity of your bedroom, feeling safe and secure. You’ll know that there’s nothing to fear. You’ll be energetic, not in the physical but the spiritual sense of the word.

The moment you start making friends with these new energies, you’ll begin to feel more at home in this world. As your vibration raises, you’ll become untouchable to certain impacts, as if you were soaring above the city in a hot- air balloon. This feeling is strange and inexplicable, but you mustn’t be alarmed. Gradually, you’ll be making friends with this new, incredibly exciting conscience.

Click here if you want a personal guidance in the next 3 months and I’ll prepare your free numerology forecast for based on your date of birth>>>
