Number 7: You can finally find your new path
The intuitive energies of the year will intensify in the second part of the week, so be prepared to fortify yourself with spiritual protection to keep the negative energies out. In the meantime, the intensity of the creative energies that are making you tense will lessen and drop to a beneficial level. This is an…
The 7:7:7 Dimensiongate Is Open
The month of July opens a unique dimension gate, bringing about the continuity of the previous month energy-wise. The number 7:7:7 Dimension Gate activates on 07.07.2017, and gets reinforced two more times this month, on 07.16. 2017 and on 07.25. 2017. On these days, the same energy will get reinforced at a higher level. This…
Number 20: You’ll find the door toward your new life this week
Both intense energies of the year, the creative energies and the intuitive energies, are easing up and are becoming supportive. Therefore, there’s no need to be prepared for getting overwhelmed or oversensitive. The supportive energies that are helping you find a new path are stepping into your life in a beneficial way. This energy can…
Number 26: You’re getting help from the Divine Dimension
The creative and intuitive energies of the year are intensifying yet again this week. With some creative work, exercise, and spiritual protection, you can prepare yourself for their presence, and thus get a huge boost toward achieving your goals. It’s the last week when the energies that confirm your goals are there with you with…
Number 19: The energy of this week brings the light for you
The intuitive energies of the year continue to be incredibly intense this week, so count on being oversensitive. Protect yourself spiritually against negative people as the avalanche of challenges continues to flow down the hill. Find out if people or situations are armed with fake intensions. Your light will brighten up your surroundings this week,…
Number 12: Follow the divine will this week
This week the intense creative energies of the year are set to heighten. Make sure to do some creative tasks or work out so that you can relive all that tension within you. The intuitive energies will be incredibly intense at the beginning of the week and may make you oversensitive. Surround yourself with spiritual…
Number 6: Follow your dreams with passion this week
Just like last week, the energies bringing creative and intuitive powers will remain supportive. This week the energies activating your heart’s desires start working actively. Thanks to these energies, your desires will feel much more intense. You’ll feel an irresistible urge to obey and implement them. It’s like being in love; your feelings will leave…
Number 8: Your goals serve a Divine Plan this week
The exceptionally active intuitive and creative energies will be benevolent this week. You won’t be experiencing the intense, change-triggering energies that you’ve gotten used to having around in the past few weeks. The energies that support your future plan will help you do the best you can. Even though your life will be governed by…
The master number 22 gives you bravery to make your dreams come true
The intuitive energies will be the majority in the week ahead, propelling you to be oversensitive. The only way to bring balance back to your life is if you surround yourself with spiritual protection. The energies that bring change will continue to be active, taking you on a rollercoaster ride. Things might get a bit…
The master number 11 awakens tremendous power within you
The energy that brings creative powers is about to heighten this week, leaving you overwhelmed. Make sure to invest this energy in some creative task or to work out intensively so as not to let it blow up within you. The intuitive energies can help you in a creative way; they can show you what…