The intuitive energies of the year continue to be incredibly intense this week, so count on being oversensitive. Protect yourself spiritually against negative people as the avalanche of challenges continues to flow down the hill. Find out if people or situations are armed with fake intensions.
Your light will brighten up your surroundings this week, and as a result you’ll be able to see things that used to escape your attention. Open your eyes and prick your ears to see the truth. It’s time to examine the souls of those around you to see if they can stand the test of time.
The numerology formula of the energies of week 25
2 8 6 10
10 16
1 7
The energy of the number 19 maintains the light you need to see the truth
This energy is like the sunlight that contains an entire spectrum of energies. People and things around you react differently to energies. If nothing affects them, they’ll be able to hide their true nature from you. Now, however, they won’t have the option to do so as they will be scanned by the entire spectrum of the energies.
Don’t be surprised at what you’re about to experience. This energy is like an X-ray machine that helps you get a glimpse into others, reveling their true faces. Some people will keep on thinking that their real intentions remain hidden, but you’ll know perfectly well what’s going on. This opportunity is only available to people of a high vibration in order to help them grow.
The energy of the number 10 stays with you this week so that you can continue testing your Divine Self
A learning curve began last week, but it is to continue this week as well. More and more things turn out about your life. You can no longer act as if nothing has happened. You can’t unsee and unhear things. It is your duty to take some dire steps. You don’t have to expose or embarrass anyone in public. Just draw the necessary consequences and take the proper steps.
If needed, face conflicts head on to protect your light. Every fake thing surrounding you is a threat to your light. The stronger your light, the more attacks you can anticipate. The taller you grow, the harder your shield must be to avert the blows. Wanting to protect yourself is the key to growth.
The energy of the number 16 and the number 7 cleans you from the dirt
These energies cleanse you of the mud and dirt that have clung to you since you started catering to others. No wonder you can’t trust your own reflection anymore; it has been distorted by the nonsense others planted in your mind. These energies help you get a clear picture of yourself so that you can rid yourself of the illusion of being weak; the illusion that you’ve been fed by those who fail to see your Divine Energy.
You may have lead yourself astray; the words of others may have fooled you. Get rid of these thought-patterns so that your true self can surface, allowing you to spot the right direction. Choose your own path together with your Divine Self.
The energy of the number 8 sets the path you must follow
The energy of the number 8 is the earthly representative of the Divine Truth. If you feel motivated toward reaching your goals, you can be sure that they represent higher, Divine Intentions. Follow your Divine Path, and it’ll take you upward instead of forward. The more of the journey you cover, the closer you’ll get to your Divine Self, and all obstacles will be removed from your way.
The only thing worth focusing on now is implementing your goals. Anybody who stands in your way or tries to talk you out of it is a false prophet and has no stay in your life. There are, however, several people who try to help and support you; they inspire and encourage you. The same light is burning within them as in you so trust these individuals as you’re heading in the same direction, and together you can achieve much more.