The last week of April will empower you with tremendous strength

The energy of the month of April will peak in a fantastic alignment of energies, and everything that has happened in the past few weeks will suddenly make sense. The energies that arrive into your life will become so intense that you’ll suddenly feel as if you were shooting towards the stars like a rocket. The angelic forces supporting you will stick together to take you to new reality that’s about to be born.

Now you’ll be able to reach the spiritual vibration that accelerates the events around you. You’ve set the goals and put them into words, and now they will come true faster than ever before. You must be careful what words you use and what you wish for, though, because every idea and wish you have will come true with an enormous force.

Click here if you want a personal guidance in the forthcoming May and I’ll prepare your free numerology forecast for based on your personal month>>>

Observe yourself. It’s ok if you don’t do everything perfectly in the beginning, but make sure you change your negative words and thinking to positive ones.

2  7   4   7
9        2

The energy of the double number 11 will empower you with tremendous strength

This energy will be the fuel to your rocket. Make sure you utilize this energy for the goals you’ve set, otherwise it will devour you from the inside. It’s your responsibility to give it a direction and purpose. You must use the huge opportunity this energy entails to realize those plans that have been waiting patiently for you to act.

Click here if you want a personal guidance in the forthcoming May and I’ll prepare your free numerology forecast for based on your personal month>>>

The energy of the double number 2 will bring you angelic support

Observe your intuitions because they will become incredibly intensive. Don’t question the thoughts that you receive when you ask a question or put your dreams into words. Every idea that arrives comes to serve as guidance. These thoughts are the whispers of the angelic entities around you that have been with you since you were born. They love you and support you. You can return their affection by listening to what they have to say.

The energy of the number 7 helps you stick to the path you have chosen for yourself

You’ve created everything around you, so you’re able to change it. Once you decide to change your life, you’ll need to give time for these changes to take effect. The same goes for new energies. Until your conscience can accept this new energy fully, you’ll have to be persistent and must not turn back. The energy of the number 7 will help you achieve this by reminding you why you were born and where you’ve been meaning to go. If you accept this intuitive guidance, you won’t lose your way.

Click here if you want a personal guidance in the forthcoming May and I’ll prepare your free numerology forecast for based on your personal month>>>

The energy of the number 25 connects you to your higher self

Your higher self is your divine self that lives within you. If you’re in touch with your higher self, you’ll keep getting constant guidance on what’s in harmony with your earthly mission and what isn’t. This is a limitation that you’ve taken on voluntarily to achieve certain goals. All your dreams originate from your higher self that shows you the way to a happy and wonderful life.

There’s a tremendous energy standing behind you, guiding you towards a new reality

Don’t be afraid you are never alone. I know exactly how hard to believe all that things can be perfect in your life. You get everything from your life if you can cooperate the energies around you.  As a first step I will prepare your numerology forecast for the forthcoming May based on your date of birth. With the help of this forecast I’ll show you the energies around you and their impacts to your life at this very moment.

Click here if you want a personal guidance in the forthcoming May and I’ll prepare your free numerology forecast for based on your personal month>>>
