The energies of May will finally break through the walls around you

The single digit number of the month of May is the number 5, the symbolic meaning of which is “The High Priest”. The energy of the High Priest brings learning and new experiences into your life. You can’t gain new experiences as long as you’re holding on to the things you acquired in the past. Happiness is not a souvenir you can just lock up in a display cabinet.

Happiness has to be sought constantly by learning and by gaining experiences, which can only be brought about by change. If you reject change, you’ll reject the most fundamental nature of your life. The security you’ve been seeking doesn’t exist. In fact, you need to switch the word security to confidence, which you can gain by keeping an eye on the changes in the external world, and by learning from and adapting to them.

Real life begins outside the walls of your room. If you surround yourself with walls, sooner or later they will crumble, since this is the natural order of life. If you want to find security, you’ll need to make friends with learning and change. Only the constant study of the world and gaining of new knowledge can give you long-lasting confidence. The only thing that can give you security is knowing yourself and the world around you. Everything else is built on fleeting illusions that will flutter away the moment you try to hold on to them.

Click here if you want a personal guidance in the forthcoming May and I’ll prepare your free numerology forecast for based on your personal month>>>

Instead of building walls, demolish as many around you as possible

The less you’re trying to be in safety, the safer you’ll be. The less you’re trying to find shelter from the challenges of your life, the stronger and more resilient you’ll become. It’s like your immune system: if you try to live in a completely sterile environment, your immune system will become weak. However, the more challenges you experience, the more prepared, experienced and wiser you’ll become, just like your immune system. Sometimes you have to trip and fall, get hurt and be healed in order to grow. It’s just as obvious of a process in adulthood as in childhood.

If we let kids fall and stand back up over and over again, why are we so afraid of doing the same? You need to re-learn how to fall. You need to re-learn how to make mistakes and learn from them. If you decide to do nothing in order to avoid making mistakes, no happening will ever be able to make you happy again. The source of happiness lies in overcoming challenges. You can only grow strong if you make an effort. It’s like working out. The more you work out, the better your stamina will be. Think of the challenges of your life like a workout program. The more you do it, the more resistant, confident and stronger you’ll become.

Click here if you want a personal guidance in the forthcoming May and I’ll prepare your free numerology forecast for based on your personal month>>>

You need to go back to school again

You must make friends with the idea of becoming a student again. I know you probably have plenty of bad memories of being a student; still, you must try to see what studying means to you from a different angle. Learning doesn’t mean that you have to sit down and cram unnecessary knowledge for good grades. Learning is the never-ending process of discovering yourself and the world. Everything you desire is attainable through learning, so there’s no ability you couldn’t have.

Learning makes you capable of overcoming the challenges ahead. You no longer need to study in a brick and mortar institution. Create your own institution where you can teach yourself. Create your own curriculum, because you’re the one responsible for your journey. Once life forces you to face challenges again, you’ll notice that as a result of your personal growth it’ll get easier to overcome things that used to seem inconceivable.

Click here if you want a personal guidance in the forthcoming May and I’ll prepare your free numerology forecast for based on your personal month>>>

Are you ready for the huge changes are coming to your life in May?

The energies of this month brings you very quick and sudden changes. You’ll feel yourself on an emotion roller coaster. Don’t be afraid you won’t be alone. I make you sure that anything is coming brings you goodness, happiness and abundance in the long term. But you have to be prepared.

If you face the energies of this period without proper preparedness you’ll feel your life is turning upside down. If you stay with me you don’t have to worry about anything.  As a first step I will prepare your numerology forecast for May based on your date of birth. With the help of this forecast I’ll show you the energies around you and their impacts to your life at this very moment.

Click here if you want a personal guidance in the forthcoming May and I’ll prepare your free numerology forecast for based on your personal month>>>
