If you don’t follow the light this week your life is going to turn upside down

The energies that bring tension and oversensitivity will intensify in the first part of the week. In the second part, however, they will ease their grasp and will start supporting you. The curious thing about the energies of the next two weeks is that they’ll make you more open and will help you realize a certain aspect of your goals. This is the second time in the year 2017 when things have aligned in such a way.

Instead of focusing outward, you’ll need to turn your attention inward, towards your inner light. You can only be as successful in the outside world as strong your inner light is burning. If you keep focusing only on what’s outside, you’ll be chasing invisible butterflies. Nevertheless, if you draw your attention to your inner values, they’ll start manifesting in the real world.

The numerology formula of the energies of week 13

2  8   3  9
10     12
1      3

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The energy of the number 12 helps turn your point of view inward

When you feel that you’re stuck in a rut and you can’t move on, you’re actually not focusing on the things you should be focusing on. If you’re trying to cater to others and live your life accordingly, or if you’re competing against yourself, then your growth will get stunted.

If that describes your current situation, then you’ve forgotten to turn inward. Don’t blame yourself if you don’t know what to do now; just ask your Inner Guidance whatever questions you may have. Listen and the answer will come – it’ll be more obvious and simple than you’d think. You’ll notice that you’ve been following an outer light, instead of your inner light, and thus you’ve been misled. Instead of blaming yourself though, turn inward and focus on finding the right path.

The energy of the number 3 is here because things are ripe for change

Flowers bloom at different times, and at a different pace, which is exactly how your life works. You’ll get rewarded for your diligence at varying intervals. All you must do is wait for the seeds you’ve planted to start growing. For quite a while, they won’t show any sign of what’s going on under the surface, but soon enough, you’ll spot a bud peaking from the ground. Then you’ll know that you’ve done a great job and that you’re heading in the right direction.

The result of your hard work becomes tangible. A door that has long been closed will open, just like the soil does, making way for the early sprout to see the sunlight. It’s up to you whether you take what life has to offer and step through the door. If you do so, no one will be able to take away your accomplishments.

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The energy of the number 4 helps you keep on nourishing the early sprout

The tiny green leaf peaking from the ground is still in a fragile state. It’s incredibly vulnerable, so you must make sure that no rough weather or intense sunlight can destroy it. This energy arrives into your life so that it can help you protect your achievements. The working of this new energy is not 100% stable yet; you’re not using it assertively. Still, you must make a conscious effort to keep on nourishing and strengthening it.

You must use your mind, your soul, and your body as well. Do some physical activity, go for a run, or do yoga. Don’t just meditate in a room. Do something with your two hands, and thus you’ll be able to utilize your intense creative so that it can permeate your surroundings, making it part of your life.

The energy of the number 27 and the number 9 have returned so that they can strengthen you spiritually

While the energy of the number 4 focuses on the material world, it also makes sure that you keep heightening your spiritual conscience. Don’t be alarmed by spiritual growth and this fast-paced change – it only seems daunting from your old perspective. This state is perfectly normal from your new perspective; from the point of view of your new conscience.

The combined presence of the number 4, 9, and 27 signals that heaven and earth have merged within you. They’ve begun shaping you into a light-being of a new energy who can maintain a high-level conscience even if bound by a physical body. Previously, this opportunity was not an option since our bodies would not have been able to tolerate these high-vibration energies. Your body, however, has gone through a re-tuning in the past few years so as to prepare you for this energy.

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