Even the impossible becomes possible this week

The intense energies of the year might make you anxious in the first part of the week and oversensitive in the second part. Nevertheless, if you keep on tracking the changes of these energies, you’ll know perfectly well what to do with them. Utilize these intense forces to make your wildest dreams come true. The energies of this year will help you create your new life by using these new spiritual energies as your building blocks.

Luckily, the energies of this month will help with the grounding and stabilizing process. You’ll get a chance to transform this tension into inner power and thus your oversensitivity will intensify your inner guidance; it’ll get more attuned to the supportive intentions of the Universe. You’ll be able to use this creative power to make your life happier and more balanced.

The numerology formula of the energies of week 16

2  8  4  8
10     12

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The energy of the number 22 and the number 4 make even the most impossible things possible

The energy of the number 22 helps you view your life through the eyes of a child and the wisdom of an adult. You need this childlike creativity to notice the things that your adult conscience would simple ignore. Children can see beauty in things that adults view as dull and grey. This energy makes invisible doors visible; doors that reveal new solutions and new directions.

The energy of the number 4 is especially important this month as it helps you ground the tremendous amount of energies that are coming your way. Keep on working diligently. Don’t feel guilty if you want to continue working even when others want to rest. Don’t try to pull in the handbrake. Let your energies flow freely and you’ll be making miracles.

The energy of the number 12 intensifies the light within you

The more of the journey you cover in cooperation with this new energy, the stronger your light will become. It is true that the shadow you cast around yourself will also grow. The light that nourishes you might be blinding to those around you. Some people will be terrified, and therefore they’ll try to hurt you with their words and actions. Don’t be alarmed, just keep on your light shining. These people are only as strong as the fear they can instill in you.

If you don’t let yourself be intimidated, no one will have power over you since your light will be stronger. Don’t be bothered by what others say or think of you. Just listen to your inner light, your only true guide and helper in these difficult times. Trust this light and let it lead the way.

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The energy of the number 17 and the number 8 assure you of the power of your goals

The energy of the number 17, your Guiding Star, has been with you since the beginning of the month. The fact that it has returned confirms that you’re on the right track. You’ll be getting recurring signs from all directions, telling you to believe in your own light and follow your own guidance because that’s your only true master.

The energy of the number 8 is making you ambitious and assertive. You don’t know how, but you’ll know exactly what to do. This power confirms that you’re headed in the right direction and that you should keep on walking this path; that you’re serving a higher power that will never mislead you. Don’t let yourself be dissuaded from your goals. Don’t be alarmed by this incredible confidence you’re feeling. Utilize your power wisely and observe how amazing it is to have control over the events of your life. You’ve been given permission to take control of your destiny. You can feel this wise power within you, so make sure to utilize it every step of the way.

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