What Will The Year 2016 Have In Store For You?

Last year you spot a star in the sky and it burned into your memory. You can still see it even when you close your eyes. This star is the last thing you see before going to sleep and the first thing you see after waking up. This star dwells in your heart, guiding each and every step you take, telling you not to lose sight of the most precious dreams you have.

Your passionate, personal goal that embraces your body and your soul lives in your heart and has been calling you since you were born. It always assumes a different appearance, but it remains the same at the core. When you ask yourself what it is that you’re yearning for more than anything, you get the answer right away. Even though the fire of this dream is burning inside you, trying to get you to answer its calling, sometimes you’re still too scared to admit to yourself what this dream really is.

You’ve received an urgent invitation from the future

This calling appeared in your life so intensively last year, urging you to act upon it that you can no longer keep denying it. It’s there in your eyes, in your movements, in your words. Step in front of a mirror and take a look into your own eyes. You’ll see the fire that keeps burning stronger and brighter by the minute. The light of your star is now dancing in your eyes, telling you that you can no longer ignore the calling that you’ve accepted once and for all.

You can’t decline this invitation. This calling comes from your future: you sent it to yourself, defying the boundaries of time and space. This calling shows you the wonderful, potential version of a future that you can create. This future is your reward if you’re able to leave behind the heavy baggage you’ve been hauling.

It’s time to spread your wings

It’s time to turn your attention to the sky and re-discover the star that has taken a myriad of different shapes throughout your life so far. It’s time for this little star not to just keep on flickering on the sky, but to illuminate your entire life. Your star keeps calling you impatiently, but in order for you to meet it, your feet need to leave the stable ground behind. It’s time to answer the calling of your star so go look for a little hill and jump up high, spread your wings, and soar towards your star.

But you won’t be able to fly if there are heavy burdens tied to your ankles, trying to drag you down. You can’t take anything with you from the past. Everything that’s happened is being transformed into a tremendous power in your heart, and it keeps nourishing your wings. You’ll need this power in order to rise. The more past experiences you convert into inner power, the smaller the burdens will be and the stronger your wings will become.

2016 The Year Of Soaring

Guidance for the year 2016, so that you can finally learn that your life is headed in the right direction

2016_the_year_of_soaring_ebook-ipad-v4From this 170 page eBook, you can learn about the changes that await you in the year 2016. Each month I’ll guide you through the energy transformations of the upcoming year and thus you won’t ever feel lost again.

If you know what energies surround you, you can co-operate with them and shape your life. These energies will be your friends, supporting you along the way. With the help of this book, I’ll also stay with you all year long, giving you guidance and reaffirmation so that you’ll know your life is headed in the right direction.

This eBook is compatible with every kind of desktop computers, notebooks,  eBook readers including iPad's, iPhone's, Android and Kindle readers, but the eBook reader is sold separately

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"2016 The Year Of Soaring" ebook NOW

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In 2016 You are going to see and feel the tremendous power slumbering within you

See and feel that every movement of your life is significant and possesses a tremendous power. See and feel that every single event of your life has been preparing you for this moment, so that you can gather all your strength to soar. See and feel that these events weren’tt sacrifices but long and successful processes to prepare you for what’s coming. See and feel the huge wings on your back that feed on the experiences you’ve gained and the power resulting from them.

Celebrate the fact that you can finally strengthen your wings. Now is the perfect moment. It couldn’t have happened at a better time and under better circumstances. The timing is just perfect. All these events possess wisdom and they keep adding up. It’s time to forgive yourself. Everything is the way it’s supposed to be. You’ve taken all your steps to the best of your knowledge. It’s time to recognize your achievements and celebrate yourself.

There’s never been a better time to be alive at on this planet

The future holds wonderful things for you. The most exciting period of your life is about to start when all that’s happened will finally make sense. It’s privilege that you’re alive in this amazing time of humanity when everything is about to change. This change will demand slow and arduous work from everyone involved. I know you’ve already made a lot of sacrifices, but nothing has been in vain! Each step you’ve taken has greatly contributed to this miracle.

Earth will soon enter a new era. Every singe person who can recognize and accept their destiny to soar and follow their star will be needed. You gain the ability to soar not to leave your earthly existence behind, but to take others along this amazing journey and show them the exceptional power slumbering within them. We’re all soaring souls on this planet, but some of us have forgotten that. Your mission is to remind them of it by allowing them to see your wings and your ability to use them.

You radiate wisdom

Be an example to follow. Each step you take should serve as an example, inspiring people to build the world you wish to see around you. Awakening souls will perceive you as children perceive their parents. They will follow your words and your actions. Whatever you do will be the law. Be conscious of the fact that with every word and action of yours, you’re creating a new reality for the awakening generation with new laws and opportunities.

If you don’t like the world around you, then change it so that you can live your life true to the light radiating from within. You have nothing to do but follow your brilliant star, as the flap of your wings will transform the world you live in. If you wish to see change around you, start by accepting the responsibility and honor reserved only for leaders.

Be wise and humble. Think of all those turning to you for help as your children even if they don’t appear to be speaking the same language. It’s time to pay it forward. It’s time to return the favors you got a few years ago when, as an awakening soul, you were being helped and taught.

2016 The Year Of Soaring

Guidance for the year 2016, so that you can finally learn that your life is headed in the right direction

2016_the_year_of_soaring_ebook-ipad-v4From this 170 page eBook, you can learn about the changes that await you in the year 2016. Each month I’ll guide you through the energy transformations of the upcoming year and thus you won’t ever feel lost again.

If you know what energies surround you, you can co-operate with them and shape your life. These energies will be your friends, supporting you along the way. With the help of this book, I’ll also stay with you all year long, giving you guidance and reaffirmation so that you’ll know your life is headed in the right direction.

This eBook is compatible with every kind of desktop computers, notebooks,  eBook readers including iPad's, iPhone's, Android and Kindle readers, but the eBook reader is sold separately

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"2016 The Year Of Soaring" ebook NOW

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In 2016 You are going to recognize the light radiating within you

The single digit number of the year 2016 is the number 9, the symbolic meaning of which is “The Hermit”. The hermit symbolizes the little eternal soul-flame inside you. This flame keeps burning inside you even when find yourself alone. Your journey is oftentimes incredibly lonely. If you understand that you can only make your decisions inside, you’ll also understand that following your path is a bit of a solitary mission. Solitude doesn’t mean that you always have to be alone, though. It only means that you must keep on going forward even if no one else is following you.

When you start making the right decisions consciously, you have to leave behind those that don’t agree with the road you’re taking or are simply not ready to join you. You can’t hold yourself back for no one! You can’t stop on your journey, just to wait for others to become ready to join you. You must learn how to move on, which is one of the biggest challenges you’ll face this year. You’ll have let go of some people so that you can spread your wings and rise from your ground.

If you feel unsure, just ask the flame

If you’re unsure whether you are headed in the right direction, whether you’re on the right track, don’t try to find the answer in the external world. Turn inward and focus on the flickering flame in the center of your chest. If you ask your questions clearly, the light of the little flame will hear you out. If you feel warmth and urgency, you’ll know that you’re on the right path, so you must stick to your decisions at all costs. If you feel that the light of your little flame is slowly fading, you can be sure that that path isn’t right for you.

Many people will try to push you into the “right” direction. Don’t trust anyone but yourself and the flame flickering inside your heart. This is the only guidance you can rely on. You can’t and shouldn’t have to meet anyone’s expectations, since no one can tell you where to go. You can hear them out of course, but you must make the decision yourself and the only way to do that is to turn inward. Don’t give into the temptation of short-term benefits. Don’t forget about your star that keeps calling you even in this very moment.

The light inside you is the reflection of the light of your star

The light inside you is your fairy godmother, your confidante, and your loyal friend. This light is the reflection of your life-plan. When you find yourself in need of help, just ask your inner light whether the next step you’re about to take serves your life-plan. Your light will know the answer. For a while you might feel that your life is heading in an unfavorable direction when following your heart, but you can be sure that the outcome will prove your inner light right.

The biggest challenge in your life is to sacrifice immediate benefits for the sake of long-term success and happiness. It all may seem painful and senseless at first, but you mustn’t be alarmed. Take baby steps and you’ll find help along the way. Make sure that you accept the conflicts that you encounter, because they’ll take you forward and will liberate you from the weight of forces trying to hold you back.

2016 The Year Of Soaring

Guidance for the year 2016, so that you can finally learn that your life is headed in the right direction

2016_the_year_of_soaring_ebook-ipad-v4From this 170 page eBook, you can learn about the changes that await you in the year 2016. Each month I’ll guide you through the energy transformations of the upcoming year and thus you won’t ever feel lost again.

If you know what energies surround you, you can co-operate with them and shape your life. These energies will be your friends, supporting you along the way. With the help of this book, I’ll also stay with you all year long, giving you guidance and reaffirmation so that you’ll know your life is headed in the right direction.

This eBook is compatible with every kind of desktop computers, notebooks,  eBook readers including iPad's, iPhone's, Android and Kindle readers, but the eBook reader is sold separately

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"2016 The Year Of Soaring" ebook NOW

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The time has come to leave your heavy burdens behind

Every long journey starts with taking the first step. Every flight starts with the first flap of the wing when your feet leave the ground and you ascend towards your destination. As your energy level increases this year, you’ll be soaring higher and higher. You’ll leave behind everyone that has been trying to hold you back in your personal growth. It will get easier and easier to recognize what elevates you and what tries to pull you back. You’ll feel less guilty for those you leave behind for the benefit of your personal growth.

You’ll have to leave those behind that can’t soar with you. At first, this will seem horribly difficult, because you’ve shared many years of happy and sad moments, but you must choose now and you must pick yourself. You shouldn’t feel bad; your decision is not egotistical or selfish. Only those that don’t want you to develop so exponentially would say the opposite, since they can’t keep up with you. They’re afraid of the challenges that this task poses. They are afraid of joining you in your ascension. The majority of the people choose convenience and idleness. You know that isn’t your path, so you leave those behind who only came to vacation here or are too afraid to take bold steps.

Your sparkling personality will soon show itself

This period is about polishing the diamond that you found on the road to perfection. That dirty piece of rock that seemed worthless at first glance actually hides a sparkling gem inside a fossilized layer of mud. All your past experiences were chiseling this gem until its stunning surface started showing. This is you - an unpolished diamond.

It’s time to scrape off the last unnecessary layers and polish the surface to perfection. This year is about recognizing what it is that’s holding you back from being able to shine. There are people around you, who still try to overshadow you. There are some prior engagements that you’re dragging behind you like pieces of heavy baggage. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Who’s holding me back?
  • What’s holding me back?

Make your decisions and liberate yourself from the forces that are trying to pull you back

You know exactly who and what is clinging to you like a barnacle. You can keep on strengthening your wings, trying to fly, but you won’t be able to rise unless you let go of these burdens. Soon you’ll realize that they’re holding on to you way less than you insisting on dragging them along. You have gotten used to their weight and they give you the security you’re scared to give up. You’re afraid that if you let them go, you’ll end up alone on your journey.

At first it might indeed seem like a solitary task to leave behind everything familiar even if deep down inside you know for a fact that you’re not staying. And that exactly why your inner voice needs to be stronger than the voices of the forces trying to hold you back.

As you are rising from the ground, you’ll see many people soaring with you: new friends, new acquaintances. Although you must make your decisions alone, the journey of your soul isn’t a solitary mission. Your helpers are near even if you can’t always see them.

2016 The Year Of Soaring

Guidance for the year 2016, so that you can finally learn that your life is headed in the right direction

2016_the_year_of_soaring_ebook-ipad-v4From this 170 page eBook, you can learn about the changes that await you in the year 2016. Each month I’ll guide you through the energy transformations of the upcoming year and thus you won’t ever feel lost again.

If you know what energies surround you, you can co-operate with them and shape your life. These energies will be your friends, supporting you along the way. With the help of this book, I’ll also stay with you all year long, giving you guidance and reaffirmation so that you’ll know your life is headed in the right direction.

This eBook is compatible with every kind of desktop computers, notebooks,  eBook readers including iPad's, iPhone's, Android and Kindle readers, but the eBook reader is sold separately

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"2016 The Year Of Soaring" ebook NOW

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Let the year 2016 be the year when you know that your life is headed in the right direction 

How can I know for sure if my life is headed in the right direction?

The events of your life are never coincidental; they never happen independently of each other. Every single moment has its own energy in your personal life as well as in a general sense. These energies change from year to year, month to month, day to day, showing you where your life is headed.

Every single moment of your life is part of your own life-plan, but at the same time, it’s part of the grand plan for the advancement of humanity. You can try to object and find a way out, but you must understand that you made the decision to take part in this fantastic process before you were born. The moment you understand the need for the above and learn to accept the opportunities each moment has to offer, you’ll be able to utilize the energy of the given moment for conscious creation.

Just like seasons, energies change as well

You know that summers are hot and winters are cold. In summer you have ice-cold, refreshing beverages, whereas in winter you have hot, steaming tea. If you learn to accept that the changes of the events in your life are subjected to constantly changing, cyclical energies, you’ll be able to accept these “barriers” as opportunities. Be it summer or winter, you’ll just keep on doing your thing – you’ll adapt to these changes.

Just like seasons, certain energies keep returning into your life, defining what you must focus on for a longer or shorter amount of time. Long-term energies follow you through your life, defining your everydays, however, there are short-term, monthly or daily cycles that only impact you in that specific timeframe.

Never again will you have to face change alone

What would you say if I told you that there’s a tool that can guide your steps, helping you find your way in the thick forest of changes that occur in your life?

When I became more familiar with the amazing system of numerology in 2002, I found a tool just like that. Although I didn’t have the solution yet, I decided to start observing my life and the lives of others around me so as to get an answer to the questions I had regarding the constant transformation of our lives. I was trying to figure out whether there was a yet unknown law that could help us to understand the seemingly “coincidental” events of our lives.

It took me five years to solve the secrets of how these changing energies work. Throughout my discoveries I realized that the energies surrounding us were communicating with me, sending me messages with the events of my life, showing me where my life was headed. This is part of the advancement of humanity and thus, part of your personal growth as well.

In the past ten years, I’ve learned to translate the messages of the constantly transforming energies of our lives and put them into practice. These messages help you understand the personal messages of the energies of own life.

2016 The Year Of Soaring

Guidance for the year 2016, so that you can finally learn that your life is headed in the right direction

2016_the_year_of_soaring_ebook-ipad-v4From this 170 page eBook, you can learn about the changes that await you in the year 2016. Each month I’ll guide you through the energy transformations of the upcoming year and thus you won’t ever feel lost again.

If you know what energies surround you, you can co-operate with them and shape your life. These energies will be your friends, supporting you along the way. With the help of this book, I’ll also stay with you all year long, giving you guidance and reaffirmation so that you’ll know your life is headed in the right direction.

This eBook is compatible with every kind of desktop computers, notebooks,  eBook readers including iPad's, iPhone's, Android and Kindle readers, but the eBook reader is sold separately

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"2016 The Year Of Soaring" ebook NOW

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How can this book assist you?

I’ll show you what your most important task is
for the upcoming year

Every single moment has its own energy, but the most important of them all is the energy of the given year, which defines what the most important task will be in the next 365 days.

Two energies impact your life. One of them begins on your birthday and ends on your following birthday. This is called Personal Year, and it defines your personal mission in the year between your birthdays.

The other one begins on the first day of January and ends on the last day of the year. This is a general energy, affecting everyone equally, defining the most important mission of humanity in the given year.

General energies impact everyone differently, depending on what challenges we’re facing, but at the same time, they define the entire world, our relationship with people and the opportunities/challenges arriving from the external world.

I’m giving you a calendar for the entire year

I’ll help you get in touch with the personal message of your life in the year 2016. This message is there around you, encoded in the moment you’re experiencing. I’ll translate and hand you this message so that you can be sure your life and its constant changes are working for you, assisting you. The minute you understand this message, all your fears will vanish, making way for self-confidence. You’ll finally know that you’re able to recognize every single opportunity in your life and use them to your advantage.

In the first chapter, I’ll show you the energies of the year 2016 that will define our joint task. Then each month I’ll point out the current energies. Yearly energies give you one big task, whereas monthly energies show you the emotional effect they have on you each month. You have to be mindful of monthly energies because they help you accomplish the big task of the year by moving you forward in baby steps.

This book is a guide, a map and a calendar in one

It’s worth reading it at least at the beginning of each month, becoming then you’ll become familiar with the challenges that await you in the upcoming period. It’s also worth taking a glance back at the events of the previous month to understand what happened in your life and what its deeper relevance was. You can also turn to the book for daily guidance if you’re in the middle of having to make a difficult decision or if you find yourself in a challenging situation.

This book has opportunities in store for you, without pointing out specific events. I’ll show you the energies that shape your everyday reality, but you’re the one who has to make decisions of your life. Remember that every decision or step you make as a result of this book is your responsibility alone.

2016 The Year Of Soaring

Guidance for the year 2016, so that you can finally learn that your life is headed in the right direction

2016_the_year_of_soaring_ebook-ipad-v4From this 170 page eBook, you can learn about the changes that await you in the year 2016. Each month I’ll guide you through the energy transformations of the upcoming year and thus you won’t ever feel lost again.

If you know what energies surround you, you can co-operate with them and shape your life. These energies will be your friends, supporting you along the way. With the help of this book, I’ll also stay with you all year long, giving you guidance and reaffirmation so that you’ll know your life is headed in the right direction.

This eBook is compatible with every kind of desktop computers, notebooks,  eBook readers including iPad's, iPhone's, Android and Kindle readers, but the eBook reader is sold separately

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"2016 The Year Of Soaring" ebook NOW

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I’m giving you a practical guide book for twelve months

You’ll never lose your way in the labyrinth of your life ever again

This book is a detailed energy-guide in which I’ll introduce the energies of the year 2016 and will give you exercises each month that can help you attune to the current energies so that they can start working for you, assisting you along the way.

Why is it important to be aware of your monthly energies?

Monthly energies have an impact on your life whether you accept it or not. Monthly energies charge you emotionally in each period. If you can’t attune to this energy, you’ll feel tense, upset, exhausted and impatient among other things. If you’re able to attune to the current energies, however, you’ll feel incredibly energetic. You need to cooperate with these energies and turn them to your advantage.

Each month gets its own spiritual guide

I’ll introduce the current energies, giving you a practical task that can help you attune to the energies of the given month so that you can turn them to your advantage instead of trying to walk towards it head on. Each month I’ll help you come up with a specific goal that you can work on accomplishing in harmony with monthly and yearly energies. Adding your personal yearly analysis into the mix, I’m giving you a compass that you can use to find the right path in your life at all times

2016 The Year Of Soaring

Guidance for the year 2016, so that you can finally learn that your life is headed in the right direction

2016_the_year_of_soaring_ebook-ipad-v4From this 170 page eBook, you can learn about the changes that await you in the year 2016. Each month I’ll guide you through the energy transformations of the upcoming year and thus you won’t ever feel lost again.

If you know what energies surround you, you can co-operate with them and shape your life. These energies will be your friends, supporting you along the way. With the help of this book, I’ll also stay with you all year long, giving you guidance and reaffirmation so that you’ll know your life is headed in the right direction.

This eBook is compatible with every kind of desktop computers, notebooks,  eBook readers including iPad's, iPhone's, Android and Kindle readers, but the eBook reader is sold separately

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"2016 The Year Of Soaring" ebook NOW

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How is this book any different from all the other books on similar topics? 

This book is so much more than a traditional, yearly horoscope forecast. This guide will show you not only your monthly energies, but it’ll also be giving you practical advice so that you can accept the energies of a given time. If you learn to cooperate with the current energies, you won’t have to swim against the tide, thinking why you can never make things work

This book contains a yearlong plan for personal growth

Each year has a learning curve, a plan for personal growth, that you can familiarize yourself with through the symbols of numbers. They offer you guidance on what you need to pay attention to in the given year. If you read this book every single month, taking its guidance into consideration while doing your practical tasks, I’m sure your confidence will start skyrocketing. No longer will you have to blame yourself for anything, as you’ll understand that things happen so that you can learn from them, not because life wants to punish you.

I suggest that you read the book from cover to cover at the beginning of the year so that you can see the big picture. Don’t just read; take notes! Observe the feelings that each chapter stirs up and write down your observations. If a certain month makes you tense, it means that you’ll have more work to do there, so prepare for the upcoming challenges!

How can you make the most out of this book?

Don’t put this book on the shelf. Open it every month and read the first chapter pertaining to yearly energies, as well as the chapter on the energies of the previous month and the following month.

You must keep re-reading the messages of the energies of the year 2016 so as to remind yourself of your most important task. You must review the energies of the previous month so that you can understand what happened to you. You need to read the guidance for the following month so that you can prepare for what lies ahead.

Keep the book at hand if you can. Put it on your nightstand, for example. If you experience anything unusual or if you simply don’t understand what’s happening to you or why it’s happening, then you might get guidance by reading up on the current energies. If you feel you’ve hit an emotional rock bottom, the monthly energies will help you understand what’s happening and why.

2016 The Year Of Soaring

Guidance for the year 2016, so that you can finally learn that your life is headed in the right direction

2016_the_year_of_soaring_ebook-ipad-v4From this 170 page eBook, you can learn about the changes that await you in the year 2016. Each month I’ll guide you through the energy transformations of the upcoming year and thus you won’t ever feel lost again.

If you know what energies surround you, you can co-operate with them and shape your life. These energies will be your friends, supporting you along the way. With the help of this book, I’ll also stay with you all year long, giving you guidance and reaffirmation so that you’ll know your life is headed in the right direction.

This eBook is compatible with every kind of desktop computers, notebooks,  eBook readers including iPad's, iPhone's, Android and Kindle readers, but the eBook reader is sold separately

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"2016 The Year Of Soaring" ebook NOW

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2016 The Year Of Soaring

Guidance for the year 2016, so that you can finally learn that your life is headed in the right direction

2016_the_year_of_soaring_ebook-ipad-v4From this 170 page eBook, you can learn about the changes that await you in the year 2016. Each month I’ll guide you through the energy transformations of the upcoming year and thus you won’t ever feel lost again.

If you know what energies surround you, you can co-operate with them and shape your life. These energies will be your friends, supporting you along the way. With the help of this book, I’ll also stay with you all year long, giving you guidance and reaffirmation so that you’ll know your life is headed in the right direction.

This eBook is compatible with every kind of desktop computers, notebooks,  eBook readers including iPad's, iPhone's, Android and Kindle readers, but the eBook reader is sold separately

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"2016 The Year Of Soaring" ebook NOW

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2016 The Year Of Soaring

Guidance for the year 2016, so that you can finally learn that your life is headed in the right direction

2016_the_year_of_soaring_ebook-ipad-v4From this 170 page eBook, you can learn about the changes that await you in the year 2016. Each month I’ll guide you through the energy transformations of the upcoming year and thus you won’t ever feel lost again.

If you know what energies surround you, you can co-operate with them and shape your life. These energies will be your friends, supporting you along the way. With the help of this book, I’ll also stay with you all year long, giving you guidance and reaffirmation so that you’ll know your life is headed in the right direction.

This eBook is compatible with every kind of desktop computers, notebooks,  eBook readers including iPad's, iPhone's, Android and Kindle readers, but the eBook reader is sold separately

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"2016 The Year Of Soaring" ebook NOW

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