After this week no one will ever tell you what to do and how to live your life. If you keep on trying to meet the expectations of others, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that nothing will turn out they way you want. The incoming energies will revoke their support unless you start paying attention to your own light, while trying to find the right solution. However, if you turn inward and let your feelings guide you, you’ll get help with all your endeavors.
Although there was a time when you could easily ignore the divine light shining bright within you, you’ll have no choice from now on. The energies will no longer support you if you subordinate yourself to others. It’ll be easy to notice if this is the case, as you’ll be feeling stuck. No moving forward, no moving backward. If that’s what you’re experiencing, you don’t have to be afraid. You can change this situation right away by changing your point of view and directing your focus to where your own power and light sparks from.
The numbers of the second week of September show you the incoming energies that are about to enter your life
2 7 9 3
9 12
The energy of the triple number 12 shows you where you’ve gotten stuck in your life
Your growth may have come to a halt; as if you were running around in circles. There’s a chance that you’re chasing goals that are not yours. You can no longer follow ideas or ideologies that are not your own. Should anyone try to persuade you to think a certain way, just say ‘thank you’, but then follow your own heart.
The incoming energies of this week will free one or more areas of your life where you feel stuck. They’ll help you by drawing your attention to yourself. First you’ll notice as if the situation was becoming worse, getting dangerously close to a breaking point. No need to be alarmed. It’ll all go away once you “give up” and start turning inward. Dedicate this time to discover your inner truths. Give up the fight and let your inner light shine on everything around you.
The energy of the triple number 3 puts an end to your lack of success
The moment your inner light starts guiding your life, you’ll notice that all your endeavors will be successful. You’ll understand that the reason of your past failures was that you were searching for the solution at the wrong spot. Real solutions always come from within, permeated by your divine light. All you have to do is seek help from yourself. Instead of asking others for the right answers, ask yourself the following question: “What do I need to do to be successful?”
The answer will come almost right away and will tell you what steps you must take. Pay attention to the so-called coincidences. Everything happens for a reason, so don’t be surprised if you find the solution in the most unexpected places. Just be yourself, ask what you need, and the answer will come.