The energies will liberate you from the negative forces in the third week of November

The work you started last week will continue this week as well. However, this time the emphasis is on an external and internal cleansing process that will strengthen the energy of the number 7:7:7 dimension gate that was activated this past July. This energy is here to confirm that your life is headed in the right direction and that you shouldn’t leave the path. This energy helps you clear the way of obstacles and negative forces that are constantly trying to steer your attention away from the most important thing: you.

The time to get rid of any physical, emotional, or spiritual burdens is now. Believe it or not, even those extra pounds you can’t lose might contribute to your inability to grow emotionally and spiritually. If you’re hurt, or if you’re having bad thoughts, you can easily get rid of them with the help of the incoming energies. If there’s anyone around you that’s poisoning the air, draining you of all your energy, now is the time to end that relationship. Anything that promotes feeling clean, literally or figuratively, is very timely.

The numbers of the third week of November reveal the incoming energies

2  7   2  5

9      7

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The triple number 7 will help you see yourself clearly

You’re getting this energy so that you can liberate yourself from constant external expectations. This week you’ll need some alone time more than ever. If you feel you need a little peace and quiet around you, then just close the door and be by yourself for at least thirty minutes a day. Go for a walk or meditate, and don’t let people disturb you. You must get a clear picture of where your life is headed and who you are, and you can’t do that if people keep bugging you.

If you drop all the masks you’ve put on to make other people happy, you’ll realize that you might be dreaming of a completely different life. You don’t need to do anything right now, just focus on the ideas that occur to you. Let go of the thoughts that feel alien. You can be sure that the recurring notions that awaken pleasant sensations in your soul were born within. The most important outcome of this week is that you can finally separate the meaningful from the meaningless. So give it some time and space.

The number 16 will help you see what is real and what is fake around you

This energy helps you confront reality. It’s all part of the cleansing process happening in your life this week. You must see and know that there are things you’ve been deluding yourself with. Who are those you can trust and who are those you can’t? Do you see yourself clearly? The time has come to lift the curtains and feel liberated.

If you can see that you’ve been misleading yourself, then stop playing roles. Don’t try to be polite and gentle. Take bold actions. Don’t be afraid of change because as long as you’re in control of the situation, nothing bad can happen to you. You’ll just sober up and will get a chance to see reality for what it really is.

The energy of the number 14 and 5 is there to ensure that the change that comes with the cleansing process happen fast, causing the least amount of pain possible

Just like in the first week of November, you’re getting Angelic Protection again to defend you from possible emotional trauma. The incoming energies will act like the wings of angels, showing you the truth, protecting you from emotional damage.

When you see which area of your life requires urgent changes, ask this energy to stand beside you and help you see this process through because without this energy, you might not have the courage to do so. When this energy appears, you’ll feel the urge to do what you should have done a long time ago. You have nothing to fear as all the things that must be left behind now have only been in your life to drag you down.

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