You can break through the walls around you in the first week of May

You’ve come to this planet with a unique, unrepeatable mission. You’ve accepted a task that no one else can do for you. And now the time has finally come to step out of the small pond you’ve been living in. You’ve been feeling the pond getting smaller in the past few months. It’s been like a prison. Somewhere deep down inside you’ve always known that there has to be more to your life than just battling for survival. 

This month, especially this week, the urge to break down the walls around you will get stronger. An inexplicable sensation will get ahold of you. You’ll feel the need to get somewhere, to accomplish something, or to meet up with someone. Instead of resisting this urge, start paying attention to it consciously, and you’ll notice the special gift it has in store for you. This gift will be something that you’ve been dreaming about, and now you’ll finally be able to get it if you’re willing to open the door and let it in.

Let’s check out the numerology formula for the weekly energies, and I’ll show you how they transmit the message that’s been getting louder and louder lately.

2  7   5   2
9       7

Click here if you want a personal guidance in the forthcoming May and I’ll prepare your free numerology forecast for based on your personal month>>>

The energy of the triple number 7 is like an incredibly strong magnet, drawing you closer

The energy of the number seven is related to the mission you had planned for yourself before you were born. You carry this message with you. When you were a child, you could easily recall this task; it appeared in your games. Accomplishing your mission isn’t related to pain or difficulties.

This energy is related to being joyful and carefree. If you work on implementing this task, you’ll feel free and light; as if you were soaring like an angel. You’ll get a huge chunk of this energy this week, which will help you remember what it feels like to live a life filled with joy instead of responsibilities.

The energy of the double number 16 will help you tear down the first rocks from of the wall in front of you

The energy of the number 16 has an incredible, transformative effect, as it helps you jump through the hurdles thrown in your ay. Now you’ll see that there’s more to your life is than you thought. Just ask, and this energy will help you defeat the obstacles in your way with ease.

Believe it or not, but the solution is already in your hands. All you need to do is attune to it and let it reveal itself. Envision the obstacles vanish. Envision that the power of your imagination sweeps these obstacles aside with the help of this energy.

Click here if you want a personal guidance in the forthcoming May and I’ll prepare your free numerology forecast for based on your personal month>>>

The energy of the double number 2 will bring celestial help into your life

The energy of the number two is related to intuition. Your intuition is like a radio station that you can turn on any time to hear what guidance the celestial creatures are sending your way. The energies around you are constantly communicating with you, trying to make you hear their voices. This week these messages will get even more intensive than usual. If you pay attention, you’ll experience what it feels like to be guided by invisible hands. The first thought that occurs to you in a difficult situation is always the best solution, so you’d better take its advice.

The life you wish to live is already standing at your doorstep, waiting for you to let it in

Don’t be afraid you are never alone. I know exactly how hard to believe all that things can be perfect in your life. You get everything from your life if you can cooperate the energies around you.  As a first step I will prepare your numerology forecast for the forthcoming May based on your date of birth. With the help of this forecast I’ll show you the energies around you and their impacts to your life at this very moment.

Click here if you want a personal guidance in the forthcoming May and I’ll prepare your free numerology forecast for based on your personal month>>>
