The energies of May opens the door into your new life

There will come a time when there’s no opportunity to step onto the next level. In fact, this will happen over and over again. Every life stage has its limits and once you reach it, you can grow no longer. If you get stuck, your life will start declining rapidly. You’ll start going downhill fast and you’ll end up in your own personal hell, thinking that it’s a punishment for something you’ve done. Each fall can be avoided if you recognize when you have to jump to the next level of your life. This won’t happen in baby steps, since every baby step leads you closer to the edge of the abyss. 

It’s easy to figure out when all his would happen. You’ll look around and realize that nothing makes you happy and passionate anymore. Nothing ensures your personal growth and fulfillment. You’re feeling lost, as if your human connections have deteriorated. You’ll begin to talk at each other, even though everyone means well. This signals that you’ve outgrown your environment, so it’s time to move on.

Click here if you want a personal guidance in the forthcoming May and I’ll prepare your free numerology forecast for based on your personal month>>>

You must leave behind everything that hinders your personal growth

There will be some people you can take with you into this new reality, but you’ll have to leave most of them behind. At first this will prove to be incredibly painful and you’ll wish you were able to turn back the process so that you could stay at the same level with the others. You’ll feel that you’re growing apart from everything that used to give you with joy and satisfaction, but you can’t stop this process. You either co-operate with the energies that facilitate change or you’ll start falling.

Just like gravity, the circumstances of your previous life will be constantly trying to drag you back to the level you’re about to leave. At the same time, an upward lift force will help you step onto the next level as long as you’re willing to go with it. It’s up to you which force you choose. If you choose personal growth, you’ll need to let go of those who are holding you back; otherwise the upward lift force won’t be enough to take you to the next level. If you can’t make an assertive decision, only the illusion of your previous life will remain. Your old life will cease to exist and instead, only a deep, bottomless abyss will remain.

Click here if you want a personal guidance in the forthcoming May and I’ll prepare your free numerology forecast for based on your personal month>>>

There is no other choice: you must jump

According to the law of personal growth, sooner or later you will need to grow; it’s only a matter of time before it happens. The losses you undergo on the behalf of personal growth are only temporary. If you’re afraid of losing everyone around you, you probably have lost them already. It’s wiser to consciously let go of those people with whom you have parted ways. Be grateful for the joys you’ve shared, but don’t cling to the past, because that will only lead you to the edge of the abyss.

Being nostalgic is an obvious sign that you’re stuck. It’s a warning sign telling you that you must step onto the next level of your personal growth immediately. The only connections that ensure your mutual growth are the ones where you can discuss present joys and future plans. If only the memories of the past are keeping you in a life-situation, you have nothing to do there anymore. It’s time to jump onto the next level of your personal growth where new relationships, new experiences and new joys await you. 

Click here if you want a personal guidance in the forthcoming May and I’ll prepare your free numerology forecast for based on your personal month>>>

Don’t be afraid you are never alone.

I know exactly how hard to believe all that things can be perfect in your life. You get everything from your life if you can cooperate the energies around you.  As a first step I will prepare your numerology forecast for the forthcoming May based on your date of birth. With the help of this forecast I’ll show you the energies around you and their impacts to your life at this very moment.

Click here if you want a personal guidance in the forthcoming May and I’ll prepare your free numerology forecast for based on your personal month>>>
